Our Lady of Fatima Chapel - From Simplicity to Splendor

From a folding table with a simple white cloth to a beautiful handmade wooden altar, Our Lady of Fatima Chapel has grown in splendor during the past two years. We are incredibly grateful for the generous anonymous donor who gifted the altar. A huge thank you to Mr. Steve Taylor for the statue of St. Pius X, and to Mr. Brenie Bowles for the statues of Mary and Joseph, gifted in honor of his mother. Our wonderful class of 2020 gifted us a first-class relic of St. Pius X—thank you class of 2020!

Last year and continuing into this year, we are so blessed to have the Most Holy Eucharist reside in our Chapel. Having the Most Holy Eucharist on our campus, and living in the center of our school, has been vital in guiding us through these last few years. Our students frequent the chapel throughout the day, for classes, and for student-run prayer groups. One of our students wrote a beautiful reflection on the abundance of benefits she has experienced having the living Christ at the center of our school.

We are still in need of a few items to complete our chapel. Please consider donating towards the chapel. You can make your gift through this link: https://chestertonacademyoftheholyfamily.com/donate

Thank you for your generosity and please know of our continued prayers for our Chesterton community. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.


Meet the Golf Club!


Mass of the Holy Spirit 2021-22